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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

What is peripartum cardiomyopathy?

It is the dilation and reduction of the pumping function of the heart to less than 45 percent in the last month of pregnancy or 5 months after delivery

How does it manifest itself?

A rather rare condition in which the patient feels excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitation, swelling of the ankles, foot or whole body. They can have breathlessness on lying down, increased urination during bedtime and reduce BP more so while changing to standing position.

What causes the condition

No definitive cause has been found till date. However those at increased risk are

  • Older maternal age
  • History of cardiac disorders, such as heart attack, heart valve dysfunction or myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
  • Exposure to toxins, such as alcohol or chemotherapy
  • High blood pressure
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Multifetal pregnancy (i.e., twins)
  • Use of certain medications to prevent premature labor
  • African descent
  • Poor nutrition

Post partum cardiomyopathy is identified with ECG and Echocardiogram. A host of blood tests are done to rule out any other treatable cause

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

How is it treated?

No definite treatment. But wait don’t lose heart... majority of the patient recover fully in 3-6 months. A small number of them tend to have residual permanent weakness in the pumping function of the heart.

Life style management with respect to daily physical activity guidance, amount of fluid and salt intake guidance and heart failure medications will help in the recovery. Monitoring and regular review with your cardiologist is of utmost importance as some of the medications for heart failure at not favourable for breast feeding mothers

You will need to discuss with your cardiologist and Obstetrician regarding future pregnancies as the risk of post partum cardiomyopathy and its severity is increased in the subsequent pregnancy

Dr Magesh